Fort Lauderdale Machinery Accident Lawyer

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Heavy machinery is utilized in a wide range of workplaces, including everywhere from warehouses to construction sites. Regardless of the specific type of employment, this machinery can be highly dangerous in the workplace, even amongst employees who use as much care as possible. It is, however, possible for employees who find themselves in this situation, to obtain workers’ compensation benefits, including medical care and partial compensation for lost wages, so if you were hurt while at work, you should reach out to a lawyer who can help you file a claim.

Types Of Heavy Machinery Accidents

The types of machinery used at a workplace will obviously depend on the specific industry in question. Cranes, bulldozers, and hoists, for example, are almost always used, in some form or other, in construction projects, while forklifts and front loaders are seen most often in warehouses. The results of the malfunctioning or improper use of these kinds of machinery, however, is always dangerous. Collapsed cranes and hoists, for example, can drop loads of other heavy machinery and tools on unsuspecting workers below. Forklifts and front loaders, on the other hand, can cause serious injuries if they are involved in rollover accidents. Although federal law requires companies that use these kinds of heavy equipment and machinery to abide by certain rules regarding their operation, many fail to do so, putting employees at risk of injury.

Common Causes

Heavy machinery, in addition to being extremely large, is also often complex to operate. Unfortunately, this means that any error in the system, no matter how small, could cause the entire machine to malfunction. Similarly, one employer or employee’s failure when operating heavy machinery can cause many more to sustain injuries. In most cases, however, heavy machinery accidents can be linked to the following types of negligent acts:

  • Providing employees with improper training;
  • Failing to provide competent site supervisors;
  • Using the wrong equipment for a project;
  • Loading cargo improperly, causing the machinery to tip over or roll;
  • Mishandling the equipment;
  • Failing to properly maintain or inspect the equipment; and
  • Violating safety protocols.

Even when an accident’s cause remains uncertain, however, employees who are injured by heavy machinery can still collect benefits from their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider. Obtaining compensation in these cases is particularly important, as the injuries sustained in accidents with heavy machinery tend to be extremely serious. The ability of most heavy machinery to crush, pin, or choke employees, for instance, can lead to catastrophic injuries like amputation, brain injury, internal injuries, spinal cord damage, and even death, all of which are expensive to treat and could leave a victim suffering from permanent disability.

Schedule A Complimentary Consultation

If you or a loved one were injured while operating heavy machinery at work, you could be entitled to medical benefits and monetary compensation for lost wages. To learn more, please call the experienced Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation lawyers at The Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. You can set up a free consultation with a member of our team by calling (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155 today.

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