Angry drivers are notorious for picking on the little guy. Prime victims of road rage include drivers who don’t keep up with the flow of traffic and particularly anyone who cuts them off. Road rage, as we’ve all come to know it, can include a heap of belligerent driving behaviors. Sadly, research also revealed the Sunshine State as having the least courteous drivers of all 50 states. What’s worse is that auto accident research is now showing a strong increase in road rage against unassuming bicyclists.
What does road rage look like?
- Tail-gaiting or prevent another from merging
- Sudden braking or cutting someone off
- Rude gestures, verbal assaults, or swearing
- Chasing down another driver
- Flashing lights or honking horn
- Intentionally attempting to cause a crash
- Revving the engine or pumping the brakes to threaten others
- Getting out of a car to threaten verbal or physical assault
- Threatening to strike or use a weapon
- Throwing objects or food out the window
- Angry confrontations
Why Direct Road Rage Against a Cyclist?
Easily irritated drivers frequently believe they are entitled to act out their anger, in large part, because they don’t recognize and respect bicyclists as having the same rights to the road as cars. In an effort to save money on gas, bicyclists appear to be flooding Broward County streets. With the steady increase of more cyclists on the road, many vehicle drivers are easily irritated, overwhelmed, and simply don’t know how to share the road with a bicycle. While other countries are far more tolerant of cyclists, a well respected international transportation expert has declared U.S. drivers to be more hostile towards cyclists than those in any other country.
While aggressive driving isn’t a crime, it has been found to quickly lead to road rage, causing serious injuries to innocent cyclists. When anger turns to outward behavior that is harmful, it then becomes criminal. Road rage against a bicyclist often turns violent with little or no provocation. Numerous bicycle accident injuries caused by road rage include concussion, broken bones, torn ligaments, and stab wounds to mention just a few.
The Florida Providers for Traffic Safety have noted an increase in citations given for aggressive driving, since it has been found to be the leading predictor of road rage crimes. The state of Florida has also approved a course for drivers convicted of road rage and aggressive driving incidents.
If you have been in a South Florida bicycle accident that involved road rage by another vehicle, it is important to talk with an experienced South Florida Bicycle Accident Attorney. Your attorney can help you prepare your paperwork to get the results you are looking for.
Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to find out what your legal rights are and how to receive help. Call: (954) 677-0155 to meet with a skilled Broward County Bicycle Accident Attorney.
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