This is undoubtedly a tough decision for you to make. It can be very difficult and overwhelming to say the least when deciding what to do for your aging parent. Choosing a nursing home is often the last resort for families to make after the following has been considered:
- Having your parents live with you or other family members
- Having someone come in several days a week to cook, clean, and provide care for your parents in their own home
- Moving your parent into an assisted living facility
If your parent has dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, can’t walk, or needs full-time care that you are not physically able to provide, then your parent may need to reside in a nursing home in order to get the proper care and assistance. However, so that you do not live with guilt about moving your parent into a nursing home, it is important to do your research.
Not all nursing homes are the same, as they vary in quality. When looking for a nursing home in Florida to place your loved one in, you need to spend a lot of time researching and visiting various nursing homes. Take a tour of each facility to inspect the cleanliness, food, nursing home staff, and other residents who are living there. You will be able to tell a lot by visiting different homes and researching them to determine if they have been on the watch list or have been at the center of a Florida nursing home abuse claim.
To learn more about choosing the right nursing home, the Law Offices of David Benenfeld has other articles and blogs on this topic that can be found on our website, or you can contact us for help at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515 today.
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