Road rage upon a cyclist is verbal or physical behavior that threatens to interfere with the cyclist’s ability to move and ride safely. YouTube is flooded with videos of motorists exhibiting road rage towards cyclists by throwing water bottles, tailgating, or honking obnoxiously-in an attempt to run the individual off the road. If cyclists encounter a road rage attack they are advised to take the following actions:
- Move-Get out of harm’s way
- Record– License info
- Call-Police right away to report road rage
- Exam-Get checked by doctor for possible injuries
- Consult-If you are injured or your bike is damaged, consult with a skilled attorney
Contact your Broward County Bicycle Accident Attorney to assist you achieving a successful claim for your road rage injury. Call the Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to help you with your claim at 954-677-0155.
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