Yes, you may be eligible to receive disability benefits for fibromyalgia in Florida provided you have the proper documentation to submit to the Social Security Administration regarding your condition.
One of the requirements is that you have had fibromyalgia for at least three months. When your application for disability benefits is submitted, you will be required to also submit all your medical records with your claim. Your physician will need to supply in a report all of the treatments you have received, lab work, therapies prescribed, medications, etc.
Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose and must be supported by the documentation your physician provides. You must be seen by a doctor that specializes in fibromyalgia, which is usually a rheumatologist.
Because a person suffering from fibromyalgia has severe pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments, it can make it difficult to work. Fatigue is associated with fibromyalgia that can impair peoples thinking and ability to concentrate, making them a risk in the workplace.
It is important that you speak with an experience South Florida Social Security disability attorney to see what your options may be. A skilled attorney will be able to review your medical records and help you with the submission of your claim.
Call the Law Office of David Benenfeld today at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515 and request a free consultation and review of your situation.
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