Our loved ones use wheelchairs to improve their lives when they can no longer get around on their feet. Whether multiple sclerosis, paralysis, or a serious auto accident sends someone to a chair, they expect their wheelchair will help them and not pose a risk to their well-being. Unfortunately, some wheelchairs have caught on fire and left people with severe burn injuries or fatal injuries.
Although shocking, wheelchair fires have in fact occurred due to defects in design or manufacturing. Sometimes, wheelchair fires start from defective components attached to the motorized chair. This is more common on battery powered wheelchairs, as electrical shorts can occur, wiring can short-circuit, motors may overheat, or a flaw in the design could cause the chair to catch fire.
Some examples of this include:
- Invacare Corp., was named in a couple wrongful death lawsuits after defective wiring sparked fires and claimed innocent lives. In 2000, the company ended up recalling certain wheelchairs due to flaws that could cause fires.
- Pride Mobility Products Corp., was named in a similar lawsuit when one of their wheelchairs caught fire after the wrong battery was installed.
- Makers of wheelchair components have also been named in wrongful death lawsuits when their devices started the wheelchair fire.
When someone is bound by their chair due to a health condition, it may be impossible for that person to get out of their chair if it catches on fire. Sadly, a defective wheelchair can catch fire and become a deathtrap, leaving the victim helpless and unable to get away from the flames. When this occurs, victims are left to suffer horribly, leading to severe burn injuries or fatal injuries.
When our relatives rely on their devices to get around and they suffer fatal injuries as a result of the defective wheelchairs, your family may have a defective product and wrongful death lawsuit in Florida. You can pursue such a lawsuit by working with an attorney who has experience in wrongful death cases and defective product claims. Your family may be entitled to compensation for your losses.
At the Law Offices of David Benenfeld, we can help you hold the wheelchair manufacturer liable for the losses and damages your family suffered due to the wheelchair fire. Call us today to speak with a skilled South Florida wrongful death attorney who can help you hold the manufacturer accountable for the suffering brought upon your family. Contact us for a free consultation at (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155 today.
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