Although a serious workplace accident can happen at nearly any type of job, even if the job only requires clerical work, it is nonetheless important to keep in mind that some types of jobs are inherently more dangerous than others. This does not mean that you cannot seek workers’ compensation benefits for an injury that occurs in a white-collar position (you certainly may be able to do so), but it does mean that you should be prepared and should know about obtaining workers’ compensation benefits if you work in a particularly hazardous industry.
Roofing is one of those especially dangerous industries, and it is essential for roofers and their families to get the facts about roofing injuries and to know how to seek compensation for a roofing fall or other job site accident.
Getting the Facts About Roofing Injuries Among Workers
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), roofing fatalities and serious injuries have risen recently. This information is critical since roofing has always been hazardous, and worksites are routinely cited for fall-related hazards and lack of proper safety measures for roofers. Indeed, the rate of deadly roofing accidents rose by 15 percent between 2018 and 2019. An article from the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants reports that “roofers accounted for 111 of 5,333 fatal on-the-job injuries in 2019,” and before that year, “the roofing industry’s death rate was already 51.5 per 100,000, making it one of the most dangerous professions.”
Among roofing workplace injuries, falls account for approximately 75 percent of all reported nonfatal and fatal injuries, whereas falls account for approximately 40 percent of all injuries in the construction industry more broadly. Roofers can also sustain other serious and deadly injuries, including electrocution injuries due to contact with electrical lines, and burns caused by hot tar.
How to Seek Workers’ Compensation Benefits After a Roofing Accident
When a roofer suffers serious injuries at work, that roofer should be eligible to seek workers’ compensation benefits. In order to be eligible to receive medical care and wage-replacement benefits, Florida workers’ compensation law requires an injured roofer to report the accident and injury to the employer as soon as possible, but at least within 30 days from the date of the injury.
Next, it is critical to seek medical treatment to ensure that you have medical evidence to support your workers’ compensation claim. While you do not need to choose a specific health care provider for initial care in an emergency situation, you should know that Florida law requires injured workers to see a medical provider who has been authorized by the employer or the insurance company. That medical provider will provide you with treatment for the workplace injury, as well as any necessary prescriptions. If you lose more than 7 days of work as a result of your injury, you can also then be eligible to receive wage replacement benefits.
Contact a Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Do you have questions about seeking workers’ compensation benefits after a roofing injury? Our South Florida workers’ compensation attorneys routinely assist roofers with workplace injuries, and we can speak with you today about seeking benefits. Contact the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. for more information.
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