Over the summers in West Palm Beach and throughout South Florida, teenagers routinely apply for and work both part-time and full-time jobs to make money while they are on school break. Sometimes minors who are still in school continue working additional hours with employers where they already perform part-time work during the school year, while others look for higher paying yet more intense summer jobs that can earn them enough money to last through the academic year. Many of these jobs are quite dangerous and come with a variety of work hazards. It is essential for teens and their parents to know that work injuries over the summer affecting minors can be compensable through the Florida workers’ compensation system like other work injuries. Our West Palm Beach workers’ compensation attorneys can tell you more.
Common Summer Jobs for Teenagers in South Florida
When summer break arrives, many school-age minors in South Florida want to find higher paying jobs, and often on a full-time basis. Some of those jobs are more hazardous than others, yet it is important to remember that any employee can be at risk of a workplace injury no matter the field or industry, and many of those injuries can be compensated through the Florida workers’ compensation system. An article in Forbes, as well as an article in Part-Time Money, cite the following as some of the more common jobs that teenagers seek during the summer:
- Landscaping;
- Tutoring;
- Construction;
- Babysitting;
- Lifeguarding;
- Sports refereeing;
- Camp counselor;
- Retail work; and
- Restaurant work.
Age and Number of Works Hours Do Not Impact Eligibility for Workers’ Compensation
While you must be an “employee” and must work for an employer who is required to carry workers’ compensation coverage (generally employers with 4 or more employees, and any construction employees regardless of the number of workers), age and number of work hours should not impact your eligibility for workers’ compensation.
To put that another way, minors are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if they are injured on the job. Further, regardless of whether a minor is working a part-time or full-time job, they can be eligible for workers’ compensation coverage under Florida law. It also does not matter if a job is only seasonal (i.e., if a teenager is only doing a job during the summer months). Indeed, seasonal employees can be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits following an on-the-job injury.
Contact Our West Palm Beach Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
Throughout South Florida, many minors take full-time and part-time jobs over the summer while schools are on break. These jobs can range widely, and it is essential to know that minors can be eligible for workers’ compensation coverage regardless of whether they are working full-time or part-time hours over the summer as long as they meet other requirements for benefits. If your teenager was injured while working during a school break, you should contact an experienced West Palm Beach workers’ compensation attorney at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. as soon as possible for assistance. We know how critical workers’ compensation coverage is for employees of all ages, and our firm is here to help with your claim.
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