After a workplace injury, you might be inclined to seek treatment from your own primary care physician, or from a specialist who has treated you in the past. However, it is important to know that Florida workers’ compensation law requires you to see an approved provider, and you cannot necessarily go to any doctor or other health care specialist of your choosing. You do have some ability for choice, however. Our Sunrise workers’ compensation lawyers can explain.
Injured Workers Must See an Approved Provider Except in an Initial Emergency Situation
When you have been injured on the job and you want to have workers’ compensation pay for your medical care, the Florida workers’ compensation system makes clear that a medical provider “authorized by your employer or the insurance company will provide the necessary medical care, treatment, and prescriptions related to your injury.”
The Florida Statutes further clarify: “As a condition to eligibility for payment under this chapter, a health care provider who renders services must be a certified health care provider and must receive authorization from the carrier before providing treatment.” However, the statute also makes clear: “This paragraph does not apply to emergency care.” To be clear, you do not need to see an approved provider to receive emergency care in the immediate aftermath of your injury — you can go to the nearest emergency department or clinic, for example. Follow-up care must be with an approved provider, however.
You Will Be Able to Make One Physician Change During Your Treatment
If you are unhappy with your health care provider, you are not necessarily stuck with that provider for the course of your treatment. To be sure, Florida law says that, “upon the written request of the employee, the carrier shall give the employee the opportunity for one change of physician during the course of treatment for any one accident.”
You Can Choose Your Pharmacy
While you must see an approved health care provider under Florida law, you can choose the pharmacy where you have any prescriptions filled. According to the Florida Statutes:
“[A] sick or injured employee shall be entitled, at all times, to free, full, and absolute choice in the selection of the pharmacy or pharmacist dispensing and filling prescriptions for medicines required.”
An employer or insurance provider cannot interview with that ability.
Contact a Sunrise Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today
Understanding specific requirements for medical care following a workplace injury can be complicated, and it is always a good idea to seek advice from an experienced Sunrise workers’ compensation attorney at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. about your circumstances. You should keep in mind that the most important thing is to seek emergency care wherever you need to do so, and workers’ compensation can pay for your initial and follow-up visits in most situations. While you might be worried that it is difficult to find an approved provider, it is often easier than you think, and our firm is here to make sure you have the medical coverage you need following your on-the-job injury.
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