Most people want to live in a calm environment — one without tension, stress, frustration or tears. Unfortunately, many people aren’t able to live like this, as they have hostile home environments due to drunk or abusive spouses, for example. While everyone’s home life is different, the home life for nursing home residents should be pleasant.
If you are planning to place your loved one in a nursing home in Fort Lauderdale, it is important that you observe the atmosphere of the home. Of course, you wouldn’t want your elderly family member to spend his or her remaining years in a nursing home that is unpleasant and doesn’t treat their resident’s right. For this reason, it is important that you check out the nursing home’s environment before settling on a specific nursing home.
When observing a nursing home, here are some red flags that could indicate a bad environment:
- Residents yelling at each other
- Residents cursing at each other
- Staff members screaming at residents
- Residents hitting or physically assaulting another resident
- Residents or staff members intimidating or threatening another resident
- No staff around when needed
Of course, even if you visited the facility and did your homework — making sure your loved one was placed in a nice nursing home — things could change over the years that could put your loved one at risk, such as:
- New residents could move in that are abusive
- Bad nursing home workers can get hired
- Poor management could take over
- An increase in residents to nursing home workers
If your loved one has been abused at the hands of another resident or nursing home worker, you need to help your loved one get justice and just compensation for the wrongs he or she suffered. To learn more about a nursing home resident’s legal rights, contact a knowledgeable nursing home abuse attorney in South Florida at the Law Office of David for a free case consultation today at 866-9 HELP NOW or (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155
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