Many parents send their kids to school on a school bus because it has been known as the safest mode of transportation for getting to and from school. Although this is still the case, as hundreds of cars are removed from the roads when parents send their children to school on school buses instead of driving them; however, school bus accidents can and do still occur — causing innocent children to suffer harm.
The truth of the matter is that approximately 17,000 children are injured in school bus accidents throughout this nation every year, according to NBC news. Because August is Back to School Safety Month, it is important to highlight school bus safety in an effort to avoid accidents and injuries.
It’s a sad reality, but many school children are injured on buses due to the following:
- Red light runners
- Motorists who fail to stop at stop signs
- Drivers who drive distracted and participate in texting and talking on cell phones
- Drivers who drive impaired by alcohol or drugs
- Motorists who drive drowsy
- Drivers who are aggressive at the wheel
While many school bus accidents are the fault of other drivers, school bus drivers have been known to cause their fair share of crashes for some of the same reasons listed above. This is especially the case when it comes to distracted driving.
Although it is the law that bus drivers shouldn’t be texting and driving or using their cell phones behind the wheel, many school bus drivers can’t help themselves and sneak a peek at their phones to read text messages or check emails. Some drivers’ actions have even been recorded by kids on buses as proof of driver negligence. Sadly, their reckless actions have caused school bus accidents that have resulted in children suffering needless injuries.
If your child has suffered broken bones, head trauma, back and neck injuries, or trauma of any kind as a passenger on a school bus, it is important to seek legal counsel. For a free consultation, contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155 to speak with an accident injury lawyer about your legal rights.
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