While many people want to collect the money they are due after a car crash, being in a hurry to accept a quick settlement offer isn’t a good idea. Insurance companies know that you want to collect the money and put the accident behind you in order to settle your personal injury claim.
Before you agree to a quick settlement following your Fort Lauderdale car accident you should know that insurance companies love settling claims quickly. By offering a quick settlement to you, they know that they are settling your claim for pennies on the dollar.
Here are some reasons they want to settle quickly so they can save money:
- They know you might not be aware of your full injuries
- They know you might not be aware that you can negotiate with them
- They know you might not be aware what your claim is truly worth
Because you may learn these things over time through research, or with the help of an attorney, this is why insurers try to get to you first and present you with a settlement offer—hoping you will take it. If you do accept their quick offer, they know they got away without having to pay you the full amount of your claim.
Instead of accepting a quick settlement—especially if you are injured—you need to take the following steps:
- Remind yourself to have patience and to wait for a fair settlement
- Be willing to negotiate to get the amount your claim is worth
- Wait to negotiate until you know your full extent of your injuries and medical bills
- Work with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Florida if you are seriously injured
You need to remind yourself that the person on the other end of the phone has one job to do, which is to settle your case for as little money as possible. Claims adjusters want to clear files from their desks so they can get good reviews from their supervisors and save the company money, which is how they get paid. Even though they are the ones holding the money, do not be intimated by an auto insurance adjuster. Remind yourself that you know your claim better than they do and you are aware of their strategy.
By being aware of these facts and why adjusters attempt to negotiate quick settlements, you will be able to hold off from settling your claim quickly and cheaply and hopefully get the full amount you are due. For help negotiating a higher settlement you can always turn to the Law Office of David Benenfeld. For a free consultation with a accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale, contact (954) 677-0155 today.
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