People probably tell you that work is hazardous to your health, but you usually don’t listen, and rightfully so. Most of the time, when people complain to you about the hazards of your job, they are just jealous because you are gainfully employed, or else they are trying to give you a guilt trip about not spending enough time with them. Workplace injuries can happen to anyone, though, and while you should not let the possibility of them dissuade you from working at a job that pays your bills, they are common enough that employers have a legal obligation to carry workers’ compensation insurance. You are eligible for workers’ compensation if you get a serious injury or illness as a result of performing your job duties, and it harms your health enough to cause you to miss work for more than a few days. For help filing a workers’ compensation claim or determining whether your illness or injury is eligible for workers’ compensation, contact a South Florida workers’ compensation lawyer.
The Most Common On-the-Job Injuries
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are the injuries most commonly reported in workers’ compensation claims in Florida:
- Sprain and strain injuries- These are injuries to the ligaments or tendons; the treatment usually involves resting the affected body part and sometimes immobilizing it. Although they don’t require surgery, they sometimes cause you to miss work.
- Cuts and lacerations – These often require stitches, but after the initial trip to the emergency room, they usually do not require you to stay out of work for a long time.
- Joint injuries – These are injuries to the soft tissues of the joints; they are not bone fractures, but they can be plenty painful. Many workers’ compensation claims are about injuries to the rotator cuff of the shoulder or the meniscus of the knee. They sometimes require surgery.
- Stress fractures – These are hairline fractures of the bones, caused by overuse, instead of by traumatic injuries; for example, people sometimes suffer stress fractures of the foot after many work shifts where they have to walk long distances. They usually don’t require surgery, but it is necessary to immobilize the affected bone with a cast or other device in order for it to heal.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome – The main symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome is tingling and numbness in the hand; it results from nerve damage from the repeated strain of working with one’s hands. Surgery can prevent further nerve damage and lessen the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Traumatic brain injury – Head trauma can cause temporary or permanent injury to the brain and have long-term effects ranging from frequent headaches to impaired memory.
Let Us Help You Today
Some workplace injuries develop slowly over time instead of immediately after trauma sustained in an accident. A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get your financial losses resulting from the injury covered. Contact a Sunrise workers’ compensation lawyer at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld to discuss your case.
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