Although many children don’t want to wear bicycle helmets because they don’t think they look cool, the law requires children under the age of 16 to wear a bicycle helmet in Florida while riding their bikes. As children turn into teenagers and grow into young adults, they often carry their attitudes about bicycle helmets with them. As a result, many of them opt not to wear their bicycle helmets once they turn 16.
While wearing a bicycle helmet might not be a fashion statement or cool to some, it is way better than the alternative. What if an unhelmeted rider was in a Florida bicycle crash? A serious head injury, other catastrophic injury, or even fatal injury could be the outcome.
While wearing a bicycle helmet might not be something you want to do, it can help prevent serious brain injuries, other cycling injuries, and death from occurring. For this reason, all riders should wear bicycle helmets to decrease their chances of suffering a traumatic brain injury and reduce the risks for sustaining unnecessary side effects such as speech and language problems, trouble communicating, vision issues, body temperature problems, and other complex changes to the body that a brain injury causes.
Knowing that bicycle helmets have been proven to reduce brain injuries and can save lives, every cyclist in Florida—young and old—should wear a bicycle helmet whether riding on a residential street or in traffic. Because we know the seriousness of brain injuries, the Law Offices of David Benenfeld would like to encourage you to share this information with those you know and love on Facebook in order to spread the word about the dangers of riding a bicycle without a helmet.
If you or your child has suffered a brain injury in a Fort Lauderdale bicycle crash, you should contact our law firm today for a free consultation and learn about your rights. Call us at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515
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