Grocery stores are popular places to work in Fort Lauderdale and throughout South Florida, but they can also be dangerous places to work. The Fresh Market is a chain supermarket in Fort Lauderdale where shoppers seek out “restaurant-quality meals, hand-picked produce, premium baked goods, fresh-cut flowers, custom-cut meats, and carefully curated offerings for holidays and special occasions,” according to the store’s website. Yet providing that kind of shopping experience for customers also means that employees work hard and are often subject to workplace hazards. With more than 161 different locations throughout the country, the Fresh market employs thousands of workers who get hurt while doing their jobs and while they are on the clock.
What should you do if you get injured while working for the Fresh Market in one of its retail stores in South Florida or while working in a management or corporate capacity? You may be able to obtain workers’ compensation benefits. Our Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation attorneys can explain.
Learning More About Work and Injuries at the Fresh Market
While grocery stories like the Fresh Market offer employees an opportunity to work in a retail store or for the chain that is routinely voted as the “Best Grocery Store in America” according to USA Today, employees can nonetheless be injured while working at the Fresh Market locations in Fort Lauderdale and throughout South Florida.
Like at other grocery stores, workers can sustain injuries in slips and falls while walking through the store, repetitive motion injuries while managing the cash register and stocking, overuse injuries like back and shoulder trauma while lifting heavy merchandise, cuts and lacerations while working in the deli, and burn injuries while working in the bakery. In management and corporate positions, employees of the Fresh Market can get hurt in slips and falls, and they can also suffer injuries due to repetitive motions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Obtaining Workers’ Compensation Benefits After an Injury at the Fresh Market
Whether you are a retail store floor worker or cashier, in management, or driving products for the Fresh Market, you may be eligible to obtain workers’ compensation coverage if you are injured on the job.
Under Florida law, for an injury to be compensable, it must arise out of your work. To be clear, you do not necessarily have to be engaged in a work task for an injury to be compensable. If you are walking to the restroom while working and you slip and fall, your injury may be compensable, for example. If your job requires you to perform work offsite, such as by driving products from a warehouse to a retail store, injuries in a truck crash while you are driving goods for the Fresh Market may be compensable. A workers’ compensation attorney can help.
Contact a Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Were you injured while working for the Fresh Market or for another supermarket or grocery retailer in South Florida? You should contact one of the experienced Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation lawyers at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. to discuss your options. Our firm can assist you with the steps you need to take in order to receive workers’ compensation benefits, and we are here to help if you need assistance with an appeal.
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