On any typical day, you run to the market to pick up a few items. As you reach for the milk carton, your feet slip out from under you and you fall on your backside. As you lie there awestruck with severe pain, you realize you’re lying in a pool of liquid that wasn’t cleaned up by the store management. Now, who’s to blame? What I just described is an all too common scenario of a slip and fall injury that often results from some type of liquid spillage.
South Florida residents may become seriously injured when they slip and fall on public property. These falls often occur because of dangerous or hazardous conditions that are not properly maintained by the property owner. If you fall and become injured on public property, you will most likely require the assistance of a skilled Broward County Slip and Fall Attorney.
It’s the law. Property owners are required by law to use reasonable care in maintaining their premises in order to avoid exposing others to injury. If someone slips and falls on public property due to hazardous conditions, then the property owner is held legally responsible. For this reason, property owners are responsible for regularly inspecting, repairing, or warning others of any dangerous conditions that are present.
What now?
If you ever find yourself hurt from a slip or fall accident, it’s essential to first take pictures of your environment. You will have to prove negligence on the part of the property owner, so it is vital that you have the facts on your side. Secondly, these cases are often complicated and require immediate expert advice. Call an experienced South Florida Slip and Fall Attorney to conduct a property inspection, secure evidence, contact witnesses, and research prior complaints for that location.
Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld for a free legal consultation to determine if you have a case. Call(561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515.
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