There are several things that could cause severe traumatic injury of the knee, including: a Florida work accident, slip and fall accident, fall from heights, or a car accident. However, when a knee injury occurs, one thing is for certain – it is painful!
When we hear of someone injuring their knee at work, we may automatically assume it was a blue-collar worker who was injured. Although blue-collar workers and white-collar workers have different job demands, both types of workers can easily be injured on-the-job. In fact, a white-collar worker can suffer a knee injury at an office in a slip and fall accident just as easily as a blue-collar worker.
Although manual labor such as construction, manufacturing, assembly, and mining typically can be more dangerous, knee injuries at work can occur to anyone, anywhere.
How Can You Tell if You Suffered a Knee Injury at Work in Florida?
If you are experiencing pain in your knee, in addition to it being tender, swollen and instable, you most likely have a serious knee trauma that occurred at work. You need to seek medical attention immediately.
First aid can include applying ice to the swollen knee, splinting, elevating the knee above the heart, taking pain medication, physical therapy, and in some cases surgery.
If you have experienced a torn MCL, PCL, or ACL knee injury or a knee dislocation in a Florida work accident, you need to be treated as soon as possible. You may be entitled to Florida workers’ compensation benefits. To find out more information about your rights to recovery, call a skilled South Florida work injury lawyer to find out about FL workers’ compensation benefits today. Call the Law Office of David Benenfeld at (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155 to schedule a free legal consultation.
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