Getting injured on the job can be a time filled with many concerns and fears. Wondering if you will receive the medical care you deserve and if you’ll be paid while you recuperate, can put an extraordinary amount of pressure on a person.
Florida has a workers’ compensation program that is supposed to automatically start once an injury occurs. This self-regulating system often gets bogged down when the insurance company deems that care or certain treatments are unnecessary. Since the insurance company doesn’t work for you, they are often not concerned in pleasing you or providing the care you need and deserve. That is when finding a Pembroke Pines workers compensation attorney is important.
David M. Benenfeld is a well-respected Pembroke Pines workers compensation attorney, who is dedicated in getting his clients the help they deserve. He has even written a new report about Florida’s Workers’ Compensation. Contact us for a free copy of that report, and to discuss your case. Since most workers’ compensation claims require a doctor consultation and the doctor is paid for by the insurance company, you need someone that will protect your rights. Many doctors recommend the least expensive care and order treatment for the symptoms instead of the actual injury.
Having David Benenfeld as your attorney means that you will receive the care and compensation that you are entitled to.
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