Despite the many accident-related fatalities caused by speeding, DUIs, the failure to wear seat belts, and other driver actions, results of a new study from the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) reveal that deficient road conditions are the number one cause of fatalities on the nation’s highways. According to the Auto Blog website, which includes a press release fom PIRE, a crash caused by poor roadway conditions occurs every minute in the U.S. In addition to being the number one cause of fatal highway accidents, deficient roadway infrastructure causes more than one third of the car accidents that do not result in fatality. In the study, reports the site, the estimated cost of auto accidents caused by inadequate roads totals $217 billion per year (based on medical bills, vehicle damage, and lost wages) compared to only $59 billion per year U.S. governments invest in repairing and improving road conditions. As a result, PIRE suggests more funding for various highway improvements, including better markings and signs, wider shoulders, and the removal of obstacles that are anywhere near the road.
If you have been injured in a metro Ft. Lauderdale area car accident caused by another driver’s negligence or poor roadway conditions, feel free to contact car accident attorney David Benenfeld at Injury Law Service. Whether you wish to request helpful resources, receive answers to your pressing questions, or consult with David Benenfeld regarding your situation, Injury Law Service will provide you with the answers or materials you seek for free. (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515
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