Facebook and Twitter seem to be on everyone’s minds these days as people are checking their accounts, walls, news feeds and comments several times a day. Although younger aged people are more prone to tweet or Facebook, social networking is popular across all age groups. In fact, Twitter has over 100 million users and is constantly growing, and Facebook has over 500 million users. It’s no wonder why social networking is a part of our everyday language and lives.
What you post and comment about on social networking sites is your business; however, there are times when you need to be careful what you post.
Although you may have your privacy settings adjusted correctly so that just your friends can see your posts, Facebook comments and posts can come back to bite you in the case of a personal injury. What if you were involved in a Florida car accident? Would you post something about it on Facebook? Would you tweet about it? How about uploading pictures?
Beware of the Dangerous of Using Social Networking Sites After a Car Crash
If you have been involved in a serious Florida car crash, posting comments and pictures on any social networking sites – no matter what your privacy settings are – can end up damaging your personal injury case.
Attorneys for insurance companies or the other party have been known to search social networking sites in hopes of finding photos proving that you are not injured or comments that they can use to show you accepted some liability for the accident. Courts have allowed Facebook records and evidence from other social networking sites to be entered into evidence.
Do yourself a favor and NEVER post anything about your Florida car accident or any other personal injury accident on any social networking site in order to protect yourself and your case.
If you have been injured in a South Florida car accident, please call accident attorney David Benenfeld to schedule a free no obligation consultation at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515
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