It seems like more than ever before people are biking for the major health benefits and because it is good for the environment. Because biking and walking as a way of commuting to work is a national movement, it is important that people are reminded how to bike safely—especially since the percentage of cycling fatalities has increased over the years.
Are you making safe choices while riding Florida roads? In addition, are you teaching your kids from a young age how to make safe choices on a bicycle? Here are some refreshers and a list of some safety tips that will help you avoid being in a bicycle accident in Florida.
- People who ride their bikes around cars need to ride in the same direction as other traffic. If you are riding opposite of traffic, it is not safe.
- Wear your bicycle helmet. If you choose not to wear it, you are teaching your children that it is not important. Also, it isn’t a safe decision to not wear a helmet; helmets help reduce head injuries and death.
- Ride in a bicycle lane or as closest to the right side of the road instead of on the sidewalk. Sidewalks are made for pedestrians.
Although riding on sidewalks isn’t dangerous, you should know the following things.
If you ride on a sidewalk, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants you to make the following safe choices:
- Bike slowly on sidewalks
- Give pedestrians the right of way
- Follow the rules that pedestrians do
- Cross the road while walking your bicycle across the street in the crosswalk
- Stop and look for motorists before crossing the street
- Make eye contact with turning motorists
Even if you make safe decisions while biking, other motorists might not make smart decisions and crash into you. If you have been injured by a careless driver, contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld today to speak with an experienced South Florida bicycle accident attorney in a free consultation at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515
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