Heart Disease is the number one leading cause of death in Americans. One in every four U.S. citizens will die from heart disease. When healthcare services, medication costs, and lost productivity in the workplace are taken into account, cardiovascular disease is costing our nation nearly $500 BILLION every year. Individuals who suffer from heart conditions often find that they are no longer able to continue working. In these cases, Floridians with heart disease may be eligible to qualify for Social Security benefits.
What is Considered Heart Disease?
Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease (CHD), and atherosclerosis, is a term used to describe the problems that develop when plaque builds up within the arteries. Plaque is a substance comprised of fatty fluids such as cholesterol. The buildup of plaque is problematic because it causes the arteries to close up, harden, and restrict oxygen to the muscles of the heart. This narrowing of the arteries makes individuals prime targets for a stroke or heart attack, often leading to early death.
Patients who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness such as heart disease may be eligible to receive Florida Social Security disability benefits. Because of the costly medical expenses required to meet the myriad of issues related to cardiovascular disease, people often struggle to cover basic living expenses and have access to medical care needed to preserve their life.
What Heart Disease Types Qualify for Disability?
Numerous types of cardiovascular conditions may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. To qualify, heart disease patients with heart disease must be able to show that they have a diminished capacity to function and are unable to work. Below is the “short” list of the most common types of heart disease application for Social Security disability benefits.
- Coronary Heart Disease/Atherosclerosis. Applicants must show SSA evidence of angina, stress and imaging tests, angioplasty/bypass surgeries.
- Congestive Heart Failure. Applicants must show SSA proof of hospitalizations for CHF episodes, abnormal stress and imaging tests, and a poor ejection fraction.
- Arteriosclerosis. Applicants must show SSA proof of ischemia symptoms, at least three ischemic episodes/year and abnormal stress and imaging test results.
- Aneurysm. Applicants must show SSA it is not safe for them to work based on imaging results, which prove that the aneurysm may soon erupt.
If heart disease makes it impossible to manage everyday living, then the individual may consider applying for Social Security disability benefits. The SSA will determine if the claimant is eligible. It is vital to gain the expert advice of a South Florida disability attorney who can assist in providing the proof that you will need to receive disability benefits for heart disease. It is essential to talk with an experienced South Florida Social Security Disability Attorney.
Your attorney can help you prepare your paperwork to get the results you are looking for. To benefit from qualified assistance and to determine if you should pursue a Florida Social Security disability claim. Contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld for or a free legal consultation and book call today: (954) 677-0155.
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