In South Florida, Multiple Sclerosis (or MS) patients typically effects more women than men and is often diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40. MS is a debilitating auto-immune disease that destroys the myelin surrounding the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. Alternating between periods of seemingly absent symptoms to those more with debilitating effects, the severity of each attack varies among Florida residents. These episodes can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months.
Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
Muscle Symptoms
- Lose Balance and Coordination
- Difficulty Moving Arms/Legs
- Weakness in Arms/Legs
- Numbness or Tremors
- Problems Walking
- Muscle Spasms
Eye Symptoms
- Eye Discomfort
- Double Vision
- Rapid Eye Movements
- Vision Loss
Pain Symptoms
- Painful Muscle Spasms
- Tingling or Burning in limbs
Brain and Nerve Symptoms
- Difficulty Problem Solving
- Decreased Concentration
- Depression and Sadness
- Dizziness and Balance
- Poor Judgment
- Memory Loss
Bladder-Bowel Symptoms
- Difficulty Beginning to Urinate
- Frequent Need to Urinate
- Constipation
- Incontinence
- Increased Fatigue
- Difficulty Swallowing and Chewing
Stages of Multiple Sclerosis
South Florida, Multiple Sclerosis symptoms may vary in strength and occurrence. It is dependent on the particular stage of MS that you are currently experiencing. The four stages or courses of disease include:
1. Relapsing-Remitting MS: Most commonly diagnosed during this stage. Attacks/exacerbations occur within a specific area of the neurological system, lasting at least 24 hours; followed by complete recovery, or remission.
2. Secondary-Progressive MS: Gradual destruction and nerve fiber loss; 85% diagnosed with RRMS will soon transition to SPMS within 10 years.
3. Progressive-Relapsing MS: Least common course, steady progression of exacerbations, with some relapses.
4. Primary-Progressive MS: Steady decrease of neurological functioning accompanied by distinct relapses. Occasional plateaus and temporary improvements can be experienced, as well.
Although they haven’t yet found a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, there are effective options for managing symptoms. Until then, it’s important that you make the best plan available for your emotional and physical well being.
Some people diagnosed with MS continue to try to work, even when it’s beyond their ability. Many MS sufferers don’t realize that South Florida disability benefits for MS are available to them. If you have Multiple Sclerosis and are unable to work, you may be eligible for Social Security benefits in South Florida. A skilled South County Social Security benefits attorney can assist you.
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