In the event you have to use the restroom when you are out in public, the restroom’s cleanliness might be of concern; however, it probably never crosses your mind that it could be a dangerous place. Unfortunately, restrooms at restaurants, coffee shops, stores, shopping malls, supermarkets, and at other public places have been the scene of many slip and fall accidents and injuries.
When people wash their hands after using the restroom, they can spill liquid soap and drip water on the hard floor. When floors in public restrooms aren’t inspected and/or cleaned often enough, there is a higher chance that someone can slip and fall on the buildup of soap and water that collects on the floors. Also, some bathrooms might be so dirty that there is enough litter on the floor that could cause someone to trip and fall and suffer injuries. Other scenarios that can result in a slip and fall injury can include a water leak from a plumbing issue or failing to close off the bathroom while it’s being mopped.
The fact of the matter is that bathrooms have hard surfaces and can be dangerous because people falling are likely to hit the ground hard or hit parts of their body on bathroom fixtures on the way down. Sadly, injuries are very likely in the event of a slip and fall accident in a public bathroom.
Common Types of Injuries in Slip and Fall Accidents
- Broken bones. From broken arms and wrists to broken legs and ankles, suffering fractures in a slip and fall accident is very likely. Some of the most common broken bones suffered in slip and fall accidents include broken hips and broken pelvic bones – this is especially the case among senior citizens.
- Back injuries. People can land on their backs in a fall and suffer painful herniated disc injuries, broken backs, and even trauma to the spine and vertebrae.
- Head trauma. People can suffer concussions or even traumatic brain injuries as a result of hitting their heads on the sink or other bathroom fixtures as they are falling. Additionally, a person’s head can hit the hard ground during the fall, which can lead to serious and lifelong injuries.
Steps to Take After a Fall Injury in a Public Restroom
Many public restrooms post sheets showing when the bathroom was last cleaned and inspected. These sheets are usually hanging in the bathroom or placed behind the door. It is a good idea to look at that sheet and even get a copy of it, especially if the bathroom hadn’t been recently cleaned according to the sheet. This evidence can help prove your case by suggesting that the bathroom was neglected for too long or that it wasn’t required to be regularly cleaned.
In addition to looking for this evidence, it is wise to take photos of the hazard and seek medical care and legal advice. For a free consultation with a lawyer experienced in handling slip and fall injury cases in South Florida, contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515 and get your questions answered today.
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