Ankle injuries might not sound especially serious, but they can be debilitating and can lead to many missed workdays. This is especially true for workers whose jobs require mobility, or for those who need to be on their feet in order to perform work related-tasks. Workers who drive for a living also cannot work with an ankle injury, and some kinds of ankle injuries can take months or even longer to heal. If you sustained an ankle injury while doing your job, it is important to find out more about seeking workers’ compensation benefits. You may be eligible for medical benefits in addition to wage-replacement pay as you recover. In the event your ankle injury results in a permanent disability, you also may be eligible for disability pay. Our experienced Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation attorneys can provide you with more information.
Learning About Ankle Injuries and How They Happen
Workers in many different industries can suffer serious and debilitating ankle injuries. As WebMD explains, many people assume that ankle injuries are “sports injuries,” but ankle injuries actually happen in many different circumstances, including at various kinds of workplaces. Ankle injuries can also affect workers of any age. From employees who spend most of their time behind a desk to those whose jobs require driving or heavy lifting or climbing, ankle injuries can happen on the job. According to WebMD, the following are among the most common causes of ankle injuries:
- Slipping and falling;
- Tripping and falling;
- Landing awkwardly on your ankle after jumping down from an area;
- Walking on an uneven surface;
- Running on an uneven surface;
- Sudden impact, such as in a motor vehicle collision or a struck-by accident;
- Twisting your ankle;
- Rotating your ankle; or
- Rolling your ankle.
Common Types of Ankle Injuries
The ankle is made up of many different parts, including your ankle bone, your lower leg bones that make up your ankle joint, as well as ligaments, muscles, and tendons, according to MedlinePlus. Given that there are so many different components of an ankle, the kinds of ankle injuries a person can suffer may vary widely. In addition, ankle injuries can vary greatly in terms of their severity. The following are common kinds of ankle injuries:
- Peroneal tendon strain;
- Acute tendon tears;
- Microscopic tendon tears
- Tendinitis;
- Ruptured tendon;
- Subluxation, or a tendon that slips out of place;
- Ankle sprains, which usually involve the ankle ligaments; and
- Ankle fractures.
There are many different types of ankle fractures, and the severity of the fracture will depend upon the type of bone break. In some situations, the ankle bone may shatter and could require multiple surgeries and medical devices to repair it.
Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits
To seek workers’ compensation benefits after an ankle injury on the job, Florida law requires you to report the injury to your employer within 30 days and to seek medical attention from an approved provider. When you have questions about the steps you need to take, you should get in touch with a workers’ compensation lawyer who can help.
Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you suffered an ankle injury at work, one of the Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation lawyers at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. can assist you with your workers’ compensation claim.
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